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Oct 31, 2017

Last week, more than 9,000 MS research scientists, physicians, and pharmaceutical industry experts attended ECTRIMS-ACTRIMS, the largest annual international MS research conference in the world. And we're devoting this week's podcast episode to talking about what they were talking about! Welcome to the RealTalk MS ECTRIMS Round-Up!

You'll find out about how the "official" number of people with MS in the United States is now more than double what it was before last week. We'll talk about some of the sobering socio-economic effects of MS on women. We'll look at new data from studies on treating Progressive MS, and we'll discuss some of the cutting-edge research study results that were announced while we try to identify some of the most promising new information that was released at ECTRIMS. 

We've got the news, views, interviews & breakthroughs that are important to you. So...are you ready for RealTalk MS?